Better Ultimate Edition Start
This gives you most scavenger hunt items at the start and past tutorial. It is nothing more than a glorified starting save file. I plan on making a new mod later which auto adds items on new game to your stash so it wont be a save file.
This gives you most scavenger hunt items at the start and past tutorial. It is nothing more than a glorified starting save file. I plan on making a new mod later which auto adds items on new game to your stash so it wont be a save file. As such, consider this mostly unsupported until i get all item ids so i can add them, then its final version.
Step 1. disable steam cloud sync for saves
Step 2. back up save files that already exist, and make a save in save slot 3, if none exists already.
Step 2a. The save directory for steam is %localappdata%\Stalker2\Saved\STEAM\SaveGames\Data i dunno for gog, ect. fuck epic games.
Step 3. Upload and/or replace existing save files from slot 3 with this one, to get MOST of the ultimate edition and lesser editions weapons and armor in your stash and start at ye old ukrainian gay bar in the middle of nowhere, past tutorial. You also start with some quality gear and 75k coupons.
No main quests/sides were done, except tutorial and a mandatory side quest where bandits attack a stalker on the way to the village, and talking to a guy outside said bar who points you to merchants.
Some guns are not included since i could not find the item ids
items not included are:
-lullaby shotgun.
If i forgot anything else, lemme know.
I used console commands to obtain the items, and I made this as a faster start in game, and without having to do a deadly scavenger hunt every time i make a new save. It was made using a preorder edition so i dunno if campfire songs are in, but i also dont care. i paid for the edition, and it was free bonus with said edition, but i will not actively add it if not.