No Yellow Trim On Stash Bags
No more yellow trim on the stash bag!
STALKER 2 has an option to disable yellow paint on interactables, but stash bags still have a yellow trim on them. This mod fixes that. This mod replaces the bag’s texture with one I found in the game files that does not have the trim.
1) Navigate to “/Stalker2/Content/Paks” and create a folder called “~mods” (yes with the ~) if it does not already exist
2) Place the .pak, .ucas, and .utoc file from the zip into this “~mods” folder.
This mod does not conflict with anything unless it touches this exact same bag texture.
There are some other examples of yellow stuff being left in the game, such as certain destructible wooden planks. It seems to me from browsing the files that the yellow on those planks is not a simple texture but it is procedurally added using a more complex material. This does not make it impossible to fix but it is not as straight forward. I may try to fix that, I may not. I’m not sure how much I will be playing until the game has had time to get into a better state.