UEVR Profile and Mod Collection
Profile for the uevr injector and a collection of recommended mods.
This is a Mod Collection to make Stalker 2 run as good as possible in VR with Praydog´s UEVR injector.
It includes a profile to import and a mod for better gameplay.
Fake 6dof, not really shooting where the barrel points to but guns will shoot accurately at the reticle at all times either in hipfire mode(more spread) or in ADS mode(more accurate but lower movement speed)
You can use ADS mode to gain more accuracy, dont bother with ironsights though it wont line up most of the time.
True 6dof will need more research and is generally planned but uncertain as to when it may come.
I have not tested yet with scopes as i dont have any yet.
Install Requirements / Instructions:
ALL MODS GO INTO: game directory/Stalker2/Content/Paks OR /game directory/Stalker2/Content/Paks/~mods whichever you prefer
https://www.stalker2mod.com/simple-modloader-and-console-enabler/ -SImpleModloader
https://www.stalker2mod.com/no-aiming-ads-zoom-v1-0/ – no ADS zoom
https://www.stalker2mod.com/remove-depth-of-field-while-aiming/ -removes DOF when aiming
2. Also download the profile from my page here and the crosshair mod.
3. Start Game, once ingame you need to us Tilde Key to activate a console
Type in: add mod /Game/Mods/UEVRCrosshair/ModActor.ModActor_C and confirm with enter. This only has to be done once to load the crosshair settings. Next time you load a save it should have a red crosshair now in the middle of the screen.
4. Select game in uevr
5. Import profile (only needs to be done once as well)
6. Inject and enjoy.
7. Feel free to edit some stuff, e.g. maybe UI is too small?, Keybinds can be edited in the plugin folder of the profile.