Slightly Better Water – No Slowdown and No Instant Death
Removed Movement Penalty, Sensitivity Slowdown, and Instant Death.
Stalker 2’s water is, by default, very difficult to traverse. If you’re exploring the swamps, you’re almost forced to stay on land because of how slow and risky water navigation is. This mod aims to rectify that somewhat in a more compatible and immersive? way than just editing some lines out of ObjectPrototypes.cfg and causing issues with a bunch of other mods.
– Instant Death when going out into ~neck height water has been replaced with a vanilla-style damage effect that gives you a reason to stay on shore, but doesn’t create an unnecessary fear of going into deeper water at all. The damage is about as much as a medium or heavy bleed, but without the whole red tint and bloodstained vignette. It’s enough damage to hurt and potentially kill the player by “drowning”, but can easily be healed with a medkit.
– Movement slowdown is removed. You still can’t sprint while deeper than ~waist height water, but you aren’t painfully slow to enter or leave deep water.
– Sensitivity slowdown is removed. No idea why this ever existed, sensitivity should feel normal while “swimming” now.
This mod only changes EffectPrototypes.cfg, so it should be compatible with most mods.