Player Voice Modulator Effects
Enables Helmet and Gas Mask voice effects For Skif.
Allows The player character (Skif) to use suit and helmet Voice Modulator effects just like the NPC’s do!!! Now Skif will sound appropriate to whatever outfit You’re wearing while talking any dialog.
Covers Helmets,Exoskeleton’s,Gas Masks/BattleSuits and Glass Helmets such as SEVA suits.
1:Open Your AppliedSettings.cfg file located in AppData\Local\Stalker2\Saved\GameSettings and change VoiceModulatorsAffectPlayer = false to VoiceModulatorsAffectPlayer = true
2: unzip zzzz_Player_VoiceModulator_P.pak to Stalker2\Content\Paks\~mods
edits: ArmorPrototypes.cfg