Sabres Longer Days – 2 4 6 8 12 or 24 hour day cycle – v1.1.3
Make the days for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 longer! Choose from 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24 hour in-game day lengths!
Will add a better description soon when it is not 1am….
Longer_Days_2h-v1 sets the in-game days to be 2 hours long, which should be an hour of day and an hour of night. (Recommended! Twice vanilla length)
Longer_Days_4h-v1 sets the in-game days to be 4 hours long, which should be 2 hours of day and 2 hours of night.
Longer_Days_6h-v1 sets the in-game days to be 6 hours long, which should be 3 hours of day and 3 hours of night.
Longer_Days_8h-v1 sets the in-game days to be 8 hours long, which should be 4 hours of day and 4 hours of night.
Longer_Days_12h-v1 sets the in-game days to be 12 hours long, which should be 6 hours of day and 6 hours of night.
Longer_Days_24h-v1 sets the in-game days to be 24 hours long, which should be 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night.
Honestly I have not tested this as it is too late for me to check so please let me know if you have issues, it should work however I could not see anything else relating to time think I got it all!
Install like all things drop in the ~mods folder and enjoy. Will probably need merged!
Edits CoreVariable.CFG