Immersive Music Ambience
Best of both worlds, A simple mod that creates silent moments between music tracks for the sake of sanity and immersion. Resolves the issue of repetitive tracks due to no break in between them. Allows for moments of embracing the amazing soundscapes of the zone.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2’s music is amazing, but there has always been one thing that irks me. There is no break between music tracks. They infinitely loop and become exhaustively tiring. S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2’s environmental soundscape is world class and severely underrated… but you don’t really get to embrace it due to the constant flow of music and let yourself become absorbed in the atmosphere. Disabling music ruins cinematic moments, or tense scenes.
So I created this “little” mod. I’ve extracted all 656 Region tracks and have added a 10 – 15 minute range of silence between tracks so you can now get the best of both worlds. Sadly there is no method to add timeouts between tracks within the files. So they had to be painstakingly edited. No compression or bitrate downgrade was applied in the process. They’re exactly the same and quality is left untouched. (106gb uncompressed, 1.8 compressed)
When you cross into towns or different areas tracks will most likely play as many areas have their own music triggers setup. I think it’s a perfect medium and a must have for Immersion enjoyers.
Compatible with everything that doesn’t edit region music tracks.