Anomaly Sense

STALKER 2 Mods |
Anomaly Sense

Anomaly Sense

Sense the proximity of Artifacts without needing a detector in hand. Audio, Visual and Force Feedback (Gamepad Only) indicators trigger at a higher frequency the closer you are to an Artifact.

When no detector is present in-hand and the player is within 75m of an Artifact, indicators will trigger every 0.5 – 10 seconds depending on the actual distance to the Artifact.
You will still need to equip a detector in-hand to get most artifacts to reveal themselves.
This mod is not intended to replace detectors but rather provide an option to alert the player when they are in the proximity of an artifact without requiring the detector being active.

You are able to modify the following behaviors:

Sound Volume
Visual Effect Intensity
Force Feedback Intensity (Gamepad Only)
Trigger Effects while detector is equipped in-hand

Refer to the Config Options Document for instructions on how to customize the above options.

Either Simple ModLoader or UE4SS is required (but not both).

If you simply want to use the mod in game: I suggest using Simple ModLoader
If you want to go deeper into the game code and potentially start making mods yourself: I suggest using UE4SS

Installation (Simple ModLoader)
Install Simple ModLoader
Download Mod Files (Manual Download button at top of mod page)
Extract the 3 mod files (AnomalySense.pak, AnomalySense.ucas, AnomalySense.utoc) to your ~Mods folder
i.e → C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl\Stalker2\Content\Paks\~Mods
Start Game
Press the tilde (~) key to enter the game console
Run the following command:
mod add /Game/Mods/AnomalySense/ModActor.ModActor_C

└── Stalker2
└── Content
└── Paks
└── ~mods
├──[+] AnomalySense.pak
├──[+] AnomalySense.ucas
└──[+] AnomalySense.utoc

Installation (UE4SS)
Install UE4SS
Download Mod Files (Manual Download button at top of mod page)
Extract the 3 mod files (AnomalySense.pak, AnomalySense.ucas, AnomalySense.utoc) to your LogicMods folder created by UE4SS
i.e → C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl\Stalker2\Content\Paks\LogicMods

└── Stalker2
└── Content
└── Paks
└── LogicMods
├──[+] AnomalySense.pak
├──[+] AnomalySense.ucas
└──[+] AnomalySense.utoc

Credits: rbwadle
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Cannot get the idea why S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Mods are so special? Well then you have landed in the right place – we will explain everything that you probably want to know. So, let’s begin: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Anomaly Sense Mod are additional files, which expand your options and provide you with new possibilities. If you cannot move forward and it seems that you’ve tried everything, Anomaly Sense Mod might offer you unseen features which will make you overcome all kinds of obstacles.

Useful Information: STALKER 2 Everything we Know | STALKER 2 System Requirements | STALKER 2 Release Date | STALKER 2 News | STALKER 2 Game Engine | STALKER 2 on Playstation 5 | STALKER 2 Multiplayer

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