Exi’s Social Distancing
Do you hate having to be within kissing-distance just to talk to some NPCs? Well not any longer! Say hello to Exi’s Social Distancing!
This mod introduces the mechanic of Social Distancing to the Zone! Need to approach someone you don’t know but you know they haven’t bathed in days? Social Distance! Need to talk to someone who you don’t trust? Social Distance! Want to avoid possibly irradiating yourself because some Stalker thought it was a great idea to return to the town without decontaminating their gear? Social Distance!
This mod simply changes a few values in the ObjPrototypes.cfg file
MinDialogInteractDistance to 100
MaxDialogInteractDistance to 200
Download the zip
Extract the .pak to somewhere you can remember
Drop the pack inside of:
…\Steam\steamapps\common\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl\Stalker2\Content\Paks\~mods
…\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl (Windows)\Content\Stalker2\Content\Paks\~mods
Yes, you need to keep the ~ infront of mods.
– Anything that alters ObjPrototypes.cfg.
You will need to merge mods together if you intend on using several mods that alter the same file, in that instance, follow How to pack and unpack mods, specifically the “merging” section in the description.