Hool1gan Pack a Gameplay Overhaul Modpack for Stalker 2
A “complete” gameplay overhaul modpack for Stalker 2.
Mods and Changes:
I’ve separated it into 3 .paks so you can choose which one you want however there is some overlap due to how the merging/packing works ie. a Visual Mod in the GAMEPLAY .pak etc. I’ve tried to keep it at a minimum with that said I do believe these work together really well and should be used in tandem.
This is my first ever modpack for any game, open to feedback but for specific changes I will be including
zipped version of all the .paks so you can edit them to your liking following the guide posted here by StalkerBoss.
(ObjPrototypes.cfg, WindowsEngine.ini)
– Optimized Tweaks
– Ledge Grabbing
– Mouse Sensitivity Fix
(AIGlobals.cfg, CoreVariables.cfg, DifficultyPrototypes.cfg, EffectPrototypes.cfg, ItemGeneratorPrototypes.cfg,
StashPrototypes.cfg, TradePrototypes.cfg, UpgradePrototypes.cfg, HearingSensorPrototypes.cfg, ThreatPrototypes.cfg, VisionScannerPrototypes.cfg, VisionTickPrototypes.cfg
ALifeDirectorScenarioPrototypes.cfg, ALifePopulationManagerFactionPrototypes.cfg, RSQ(1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)_Dialog_Warlock_RSQ.cfg, RSQ(00,01,04,05,06,07,08,09,10)_Reward.cfg
BenchmarkItemGeneratorPrototypes.cfg, DynamicItemGenerator.cfg, AmmoPrototypes.cfg, ConsumablePrototypes.cfg, GrenadePrototypes.cfg, GenericLairPrototypes.cfg)
- Shays Living Zone (Main Version)
– Longer Sprinting (50%)
– Modular Hard Mode
– Medkits and Consumable Rebalance
– Reduced Weight For Ammo/Meds/Cons (50%)
– Reduced Repair Costs (60%)
– Sell Broken Stuff
– Less Weapon & Armor Degradation (50%)
– Other:
– Cut Scenes & Dialog FOV Changed to 110
– 25%-50% Reduction Stamina for all Actions
Audio & Visuals:
(DefaultGame.ini, PostProcessParamPrototypes.cfg, WeatherSelectionPrototypes.cfg)
– Remove Crouch Vignette
– Always Sunny
– More Tolerable Anomaly Detector Beep
– Empty Hands Zoom (150%, Binocular Replacement)
To install simply drag all the .paks to your ~mods folder, to uninstall put it in reverse Terry and delete all the .paks.