Jam Tweaks
Tweaks the minimum percentage durability that gun jams have the chance to happen. 100%, 95%, and 50% included.
Love the gun jams? Hate them? I got you.
I really like the gun jam animations, I think they look cool, and add a lot to the combat. Fighting bloodsuckers only for your shotgun to jam as it’s eating your face makes the game feel just a bit more immersive and scary. However there’s one problem, if you keep up with your guns, they never jam! By default, most guns only have a chance to jam at a minimum of 70%-80% condition! If you keep up with the repairs on your stuff, you will genuinely never see these really cool animations until you maybe just happen to pick up and use a random gun off a dead stalker.
So I changed all of the minimum numbers to 100%! Now, these are still based off chance. Meaning even though I increased the minimum number, the chance of you jamming is still very small. Right after repairing, you should not get any jams. But once you fire a few shots and get in the nitty gritty swampy mud of the zone, there is now a chance you will jam! I both think this makes more sense, (there is no way anyone can actually keep proper complete maintenance of their guns in the zone with all the blood and mud and rain radiation everywhere all the time) and adds just a bit more depth to firefights where a jam could happen at inopportune moments. The zone is not forgiving!
Just to clarify, I am not changing the chance that jams will happen. Each gun has a minimum and maximum jam chance, minimum always being 0 (with the exception of the Valik’s scoped AK74S, which is at 0.2) and maximum being anywhere from 5 to 15 (percent? per shot? I think? I dunno I’m not a dev I have no idea what I’m doing) depending on the gun. What I changed was the threshold where the chances actually start to take effect. I tested a few guns and only a couple actually managed to jam above 80% durability, just to showcase to you how this isn’t just going to make your gun jam constantly earlier, it’s just going to allow the chances above the threshold. Hell I spent like 5 minutes straight shooting a shotgun and could only get the durability to drop like 10%, which is kinda crazy, that thing would never jam by default.
Just because I know there’s a LOT of people who HATE this jamming feature, I included a 50% version so that you’d really have to not take care of your weapon in order for it ever jam. I also included a 95% version if you don’t want the ability for jams to happen that close to 100%.
Note that this mod edits WeaponGeneralSetupPrototypes.cfg so any mods that also edit that file will need to be merged.