Japanese Translation Overhaul – Ukraine Based Transcription

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Japanese Translation Overhaul – Ukraine Based Transcription

Japanese Translation Overhaul – Ukraine Based Transcription

Fix Localization Errors and Retranslation based on Ukraine/日本語の誤訳の徹底的な修正と『ゾーン』の雰囲気を尊重した表記への変更

I felt that the NPC names in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 were strange, so I changed them to give them a more Ukrainian feel. I also corrected typos, mistranslations, and confusing expressions I found while playing. The voice has not been changed.

The Japanese text in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 does not have any mistranslations that would interfere with the game’s progress, but there are some small mistakes that stand out. Therefore, I have corrected the mistranslations and unnatural expressions so as not to spoil the atmosphere.

Main changes
As of v0.9.0, about 20% of the text will be revised or changed, including minor corrections to spelling. There are about 60,000 pieces of text, but only about 20,000 of them are actually used. This means 20% of these 20,000 pieces. Most of the changes are to the spelling of people’s names and place names.

System messages
We have corrected some of the confusing and mistranslated UI text and quest instructions.

We correct any confusing phrasing or typos or mistranslations as soon as we find them.

Proper nouns

The default spelling is often strange whether it is considered to be English or Romanized. Roughly speaking, we have made the changes based on the following policy.

Proper nouns that appear in names of people and places will be spelled as close to the Ukrainian text as possible.
We will unify spelling variations as much as possible.
We will make the names of artifacts and anomalies look like translations of old foreign literature.
On the other hand, we will respect the spelling of characters that appeared in previous games and will not make major changes.

Since many of the changes are focused on atmosphere and readability, the spelling of proper nouns has also changed. This may not be suitable for playing while constantly checking strategy information sites.

Most of the characters, including randomly generated NPCs, are Ukrainian or Russian speaking, with a few Anglo-Saxon or Georgian. In addition, many of the NPCs are called by nicknames. Furthermore, when comparing English and Ukrainian, there are quite a few names that are significantly different, whether it’s a mistake or intentional. Taking these facts into account, we have written them in a more realistic way.

Mod compatibility
I don’t use mods that add items, but due to the design of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, it seems that text files cannot be split, so it is not compatible with such mods. I will deal with it later.

The details of the changes are long, so I have collapsed them.

Installation and Uninstallation
Some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 mods may not work unless you overwrite the original files. If you are using many mods, we recommend using a mod management tool to avoid mistakes when installing and uninstalling.

Manual installation
Extract the file downloaded from the download page and copy the entire Contents folder into the Stalker2 folder in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 installation folder. The installation folder is the folder where Stalker2.exe is located. Usually, the folder structure is something like /S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl/Stalker2/Content.
If you want to uninstall, delete the folder Content/Paks/~zzzz_localizationJP.

Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) を使う場合
Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) を使っている場合は, Rudimentary ModOrganizer 2 support for Stalker 2 Heart of Chornobyl というアドオンを使用すれば, スカイリム等のように簡単にインストールできます. このアドオンをダウンロードし, 展開し, MO2のインストールフォルダにコピーするだけで動作します.
より詳細には, ダウンロードしたフォルダの最下層にある game_stalker2heartofchornobyl.py というファイルを MO2フォルダの plugins/basic_games/games フォルダに置いてからMO2を再起動すれば動作します.
しかしながら, 現時点では, Steamでセーブしたデータが認識されないという不具合があるようです.

If you are using Vortex
I do not recommend using Vortex. If any problems occur due to Vortex, it is beyond my technical capabilities.

Technical Notes
Although it is not written in the release notes, the developer occasionally makes minor corrections to the text. Therefore, updates may cause inconsistencies in small details.

There are also a fair number of places in the Ukrainian version that appear to be typos. Therefore, it is not possible to assume that the retranslation from the Ukrainian version means that the translation is correct.
I don’t want to claim that.
It would be convenient if there was a function to display ruby, but this is my first time using Unreal, so I don’t really know
It would be nice if we could display captions for the graffiti here and there (like in the Metro series), but this is not possible yet due to lack of technology.

About Compatibility
Due to the design of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 program, it is difficult to split a text file into multiple files. Therefore, generally, mods that have the function of changing text cannot be used together. Therefore, it is highly likely that mods that change or add other Japanese languages, or mods that change or add languages ​​other than Japanese, cannot be used together. Therefore, even if text is added by a mod, it is necessary to combine it into one file, so it is necessary to create individual translation files It’s hard to make.

Fonts are separate files, so you can use font-changing mods (https://www.stalker2mod.com/font-replacement-for-japanese-v1-0/) created by other authors. However, as a general rule, it is not guaranteed that garbled characters will not occur, so we cannot guarantee that all text will be displayed properly. It is likely that garbled characters will not occur with Noto fonts.
Since it only changes the text, there is no problem with installing and uninstalling it on save data in the middle of the game.

Credits: SKatagiri
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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