Less Annoying Flashbang (Clicker) Anomaly
A conflict free solution to your blindness.
There are three standalone .pak mods, you can either use them together or separately.
Charge time increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
Cooldown increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
Damage radius decreased from 250 to 150 units.
Minimal spawn distance from player increased from 10 to 75 units.
Damage to player’s health and equipment decreased by ~30%.
Damage to player’s health and equipment is completely removed.
Changed Radius and ClickerOuterRadius to 0, this effectively removes anomaly from the game.
Put .pak files your ~mods folder.
None. This mod contains a new .cfg files where I’m modifying values by ref key in order to avoid conflicts with other mods.
Game updates
This mod should be compatible with any future game updates because it does not override any existing .cfg files.