Lore Accurate Controllers

STALKER 2 Mods |
Lore Accurate Controllers

Lore Accurate Controllers

Transforms the Zone’s most infamous psy-mutant into a true threat.
Features new staggering psy-strikes, phantom summons, ability to block the player’s aiming and shooting, camera yanking, new disorienting effects.
Three balanced variants available.
Makes Controllers actually feel like the psionic horror they’re supposed to be

Disappointed by the relatively passive nature of vanilla Controllers in STALKER 2? This mod transforms them into the terrifying psy-masters, introducing a suite of new abilities that hopefully makes every encounter a proper mini-bossfight that you better come prepared for.

The Controller’s signature psy-field is now a truly dangerous zone of influence:

Manifests ethereal PSY Phantoms that converge on the player from multiple angles (10-20s on Moderate, 6-10s on Hard and VeryHard)
Covers and tight spaces will not be your friend and neither will be open areas without cover
Buggy.Temporary disabled until I can figure out how to implement it.
(You will still get PsyPhantoms and PsyNPCs at various stages of Psy)
Disrupts player control through random camera interference (“yanking” the aim) and inertia input manipulation
Periodically impairs movement speed (varied slowness debuff) and weapon handling (prevents aiming and shooting randomly)
Deals constant damage while within the aura’s influence.
Unfortunately, taking damage results in Skif closing his backpack, so I can only recommend to have Psyblock in one of the quickslots ready or to use the Moderate balance version, which disables Psy-aura damage

They now actually hurt!
Much lower cooldown, depending on the version (12s -> 5.5-6.5s)
When a Controller launches its PSY strike:

Knocks the player off their feet upon successful hits (Credits to nov1chok and his mod that inspired me to tweak Controllers further; check out his AI overhaul as well!)
Causes severe disorientation through input disruption for 8s
Applies inertia-based camera effects for the same duration

Main file contains all three options
Pick one
VeryHard (zzzzz_Lore_Accurate_Controllers.pak)
For those who want the new mechanics while maintaining the need for high penetration weapons + AP ammo

Default health (500) and defense (4.0)
Standard cooldowns on the new abilities and lowered cooldowns on the already existing ones

Hard (zzzzz_Lore_Accurate_Controllers_nerfed_defense.pak)
Creates engaging fights that reward tactical approach without making Controllers overly bullet-spongy

Increased health pool (775) and reduced defense (1.15)
Standard cooldowns on the new abilities and lowered cooldowns on the already existing ones

Moderate (zzzzz_Lore_Accurate_Controllers_nerfed_defense_and_cooldowns.pak)
Ideal for those who want a more moderate challenge

Increased health pool (725) and reduced defense (1.1)
Extended cooldowns on the new disruptive abilities and lowered cooldowns on the already existing ones. Disabled PSY aura damage, but you will still get health damage from high enough PSY (vanilla behavior)

Check the changelog of the 1.1 version for more specific information about the changes/differences between the versions.

Navigate to your STALKER 2 installation directory
Locate or create the ~mods folder (YourSTALKER2folder\Stalker2\Content\Paks\~mods)
If missing, create a new folder named exactly ~mods
(!) The tilde (~) prefix is required
Drop the selected .pak file into the ~mods folder. Make sure to check for conflicts and merge if necessary! The instructions are below.
Good hunting, stalker, and stock up on Psyblock!

To uninstall, simply remove the mod’s .pak file from the ~mods folder.

The mod modifies:
AbilityPrototypes -> ControllerAbilities.cfg
ObjPrototypes -> Controller.cfg

Starting 1.1, I use refkeys and refurls in a separate file to add/modify the content of EffectPrototypes. This should ensure high compatibility and light weight.

Credits: Sivol
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Cannot get the idea why S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Mods are so special? Well then you have landed in the right place – we will explain everything that you probably want to know. So, let’s begin: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Lore Accurate Controllers Mod are additional files, which expand your options and provide you with new possibilities. If you cannot move forward and it seems that you’ve tried everything, Lore Accurate Controllers Mod might offer you unseen features which will make you overcome all kinds of obstacles.

Useful Information: STALKER 2 Everything we Know | STALKER 2 System Requirements | STALKER 2 Release Date | STALKER 2 News | STALKER 2 Game Engine | STALKER 2 on Playstation 5 | STALKER 2 Multiplayer

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