Natural Vision 1.0 (ReShade included in Files)
Natural Vision 1.0 (ReShade) gives the Game a more natural look.
This is a Simple ReShade Preset for a more Natural Look. I adjusted the Color Saturation, increased the Brightness a little and inserted a slight sharpener. Used ReShade Version 6.3.3.
Used Shaders:
ColorAdjust.fx by Barbatos
ColorLab.fx FXShaders by luluco250
Curves.fx SweetFX by CeeJay.dk
SlowSharp.fx NiceGuy-Shaders by Ehsan2077
Method 1:
Download the File. Open with WINrar. Copy “Stalker2” to where the “Stalker2.exe” is located (…\Steam\steamapps\common\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl) No ReShade install necessary its including if ReShade already installed, simply Copy “Natural Vision 1.0 by Bozzaga.ini” and the “reshade-shaders” folder in the Win64 directory. Shader effects are including too.
Method 2:
If you have the Shaders already installed and want to recreate by your own, you can copy the values from the image above.
To activate the ReShade press “Pos1”. To toggle effects on/off press “Insert” (Key left from “Pos1”).