New Game Plus (NG Plus) Save with ALL the items and blueprints (works with all game editions)
Custom Save, start of the game, Zalissya. The stash has every single item and piece of equipment in the game.
Compatible Editions: Standard, Deluxe, and works with Ultimate. (I don’t own Ultimate so I can’t spawn in that edition’s items, you just need to grab them yourself).
There are 4 save file versions (Deluxe Edition works for Ultimate Edition):
Deluxe Edition, No Artifacts (100k coupons, all other items/blueprints present)
Deluxe Edition, With Artifacts (100k coupons, all items/blueprints present)
Standard Edition, No Artifacts (100k coupons, all other items/blueprints present)
Standard Edition, With Artifacts (100k coupons, all items/blueprints present)
Save File Locations:
Steam, GOG, Epic Games Launcher:
\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Stalker2\Saved\STEAM or GOG or Game PASS\
Microsoft Store/Xbox App (PC GamePass):
Disable steam cloud save synchronization for STALKER 2 (in game properties), for until you’ve swapped out the saves.
Go to the Save File Location that works for the platform you’ve got the game on, then back up your Save Games folder.
Delete the existing Save Games folder and paste in a Save Games folder of choice out of the zip. Make sure you dont mess up the folder location.
Afterwards, start up the game, check the stash, and enjoy the playthrough.
This mod is very unlikely to need updates because of patches, unless some future stalker patch bricks all saves made on previous versions (not happening I hope lol).