Stacks-Fine Tuned and Basic Photo Realistic Reshade
A very simple and not “over-the-top blown-out” re-shade for Stalker 2.
Simple is more.
Instructions. Easy steps!
1. Download RE-shade here:
2. Select the target game’s .exe “Stalker 2.EXE” not the win64-shipping option and click next. Use the default option of DirectX 10/11/12 and continue until it installs. “no need to check any additional boxes”
4. Run the game. On startup, a ReShade window should appear. (If not, something went wrong.
/ Home to open the ReShade GUI.
you can skip the tutorial or not
6.You’ll see a highlighted drop-down menu on the upper edge of the ReShade configuration window. Open this menu and select the .ini
file you just downloaded from me.
7. The preset should be loaded by ReShade now.