UI Clock
A simple animated clock on the HUD to keep track of the in-game time as you travel.
Regular Users:
Install the required UE4SS version into %INSTALL_DIR%\Stalker2\Binaries\Win64\
where your Stalker2-Win64-Shipping.exe is located
Drop Stalker2 folder into your main install directory.
GamePass Users:
Install the required UE4SS version into %INSTALL_DIR%\Content\Stalker2\Binaries\WinGDK\
where your Stalker2-WinGDK-Shipping.exe is located
– Extract the zip somewhere and RENAME Stalker2\Binaries\Win64 folder into WinGDK
– Drop Stalker2 folder into %INSTALL_DIR%\Content\
Edit Stalker2\Binaries\Win***\ue4ss\Mods\ClockMod\config.ini
Clock Logic: chunk 142