VValkar’s Military Led Flashlight Preset
Preset for flashlight customizer that tries to achieve a more realistic look of a ‘military’ led flashlight while not being too strong or too weak and having fog-like effect at night time with the light source coming from your head position.
Simple preset for Flashlight Customizer
It tries to achieve a more realistic look of a ‘military’ led flashlight while not being too strong or too weak and having fog-like effect at night time.The light source is coming from your head position
Since 1.2 and GSC adding shadows to flashlight you should use this in your engine.ini to avoid weird artifacts on textures if you notice any.Also it’s advise to use dlss4.
Download Flashlight Customizer
Download my file and after unpacking put the fldata.sav to C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Stalker2\Saved\SaveGames