Yes I can enter here
Just a fun mod to allow you to explore areas you are usually not supposed to be in.
First a disclaimer. This will likely get you into trouble if you do not make a save beforehand. Also, this mod changes stalker2/content/gamelite/gamedata/EffectPrototypes.cfg, namely deadlyradiation, radiationblock, and bulletkill.
This mod nerfs the exploration blockers set around the zone. It changes the radiation kill zone damage from 9000 (no not over 9000 sadly) to 1, and the invisible snipers bullets from 100 to 1 damage. Those radiation zones are like the ones at the bridge of death, garbage top, generators area, etc. The snipers are the ones that outright kill you for daring to get close to those walls.
This mod is mainly for those who are done with the game, to take a peek at what is hidden behind those progression blocking curtains.